UPDATED: December 26, 2023

You've heard the term ‘national debt' thrown around in news headlines and political debates, but what does it really mean for you and your wallet? The United States is in a lot of debtโ€”like, trillions of dollars. It's a number so big it's hard to wrap your head around, but understanding this giant pile of IOUs is crucial because it affects everything from your savings account to the job market.

So let's break it down: how did America get into this much debt, who do we owe all this money to, and what does that mean for our future? Whether you're a student trying to make sense of economics class or an investor watching the stock market's every move, getting the lowdown on Uncle Samโ€™s tab will help you see why those dollar signs matter. Stick with us as we dive into the nitty-gritty of U.S. national debtโ€”it might just be more interesting than you think!

Understanding National Debt

In this section, you'll get a better grasp of the national debt of the United States. We'll start by breaking down the definition and basics, and then we'll dive into a historical perspective to see how it has evolved over time. Whether you're a student, investor, or just someone curious about U.S. debt and its effects on the economy, this will give you a clearer picture of where things stand and what it could mean for the future.

Definition and Basics

The national debt is like a big bill the U.S. government has to pay because it spent more money than it had. Imagine you bought a bunch of stuff with your credit card and now you owe the bank; that's what the national debt is for the country. Right now, for every dollar the U.S. makes, it owes about $1.20 in debt, which is pretty high compared to what experts think is manageable.

This huge amount of debt can make things tough for everyone in America. It's like if your family had a lot of debt; there might not be enough money left over for things like fixing up your house or going to college without taking out more loans. The government faces similar problemsโ€”it might not have enough money to spend on important stuff like schools or roads if too much goes towards paying off this big bill. Plus, if we don't keep an eye on how much we borrow, people might start thinking that dollars aren't worth as much anymore, and everything could get more expensive because of inflation.

Historical Perspective

The U.S. national debt has been piling up since the American Revolutionary War back in 1776. Over time, it's gotten bigger because the government often spends more than it brings in through taxes and has to borrow money to make up the difference. Big events like wars and economic downturns usually mean even more spending and borrowing. Right now, as of May 1, 2023, the United States owes a whopping $31.46 trillion.

This huge amount of debt is worrying to some people because it could slow down economic growth or lead to problems with how much money the government can spend on important things like schools and roads. It's also tricky for lawmakers who try to figure out how to manage this debt without causing other issues, like cutting essential services or raising taxes too much. When you think about this debt, it's important to balance how much the country needs to borrow against how strong its economy is overall.

The Growing National Debt

The national debt of the United States has been a topic of concern for many. In this section, we will explore the growing national debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets. We'll delve into recent trends and statistics, as well as the factors contributing to the increase in U.S. debt. Whether you're a student, investor, or just someone interested in understanding how U.S. debt impacts the economy, this section will provide valuable insights into this pressing issue.

Recent Trends and Statistics

The U.S. national debt has been on a steep climb over the last few decades, and it's important for you to understand its magnitude and potential impact. Since 1993, the debt has increased by a staggering $25.73 trillion. The most significant jumps occurred during President Donald Trump's term and President Barack Obama's first term in office. As of May 1, 2023, you're looking at a national debt that totals $31.46 trillion.

This number is so large that it exceeds the annual economic output of the entire country! The reasons behind this growing debt include recessions, defense spending, and various programs that have added to the deficit over time. If things stay as they are without any changes in fiscal policies, projections from the Congressional Budget Office suggest that this trend will continue to rise even faster. The main culprits driving up the national debt are an aging population requiring more healthcare services and a tax system that isn't bringing in enough revenue to cover all of these government promises and expenditures.

Factors Contributing to the Increase

The U.S. national debt is growing, and it's mainly because of mandatory spending on programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These costs are going up as more people get older and need healthcare. Also, the government has to pay more interest on its debt over time. The tax system isn't bringing in enough money to cover everything the government promises to do. Plus, the coronavirus crisis made things worse by increasing deficits and interest costs.

When there's a recession or a war, the national debt usually gets bigger because the government makes less money from taxes but spends more to help people or fund military actions. This means they have to borrow more money which increases the debt compared to how big the economy is (debt-to-GDP ratio). Having too much debt can be badโ€”it can make it harder for the country to deal with future problems, slow down economic growth, and mess with living standards and financial markets like stocks and currency values. To lower this debt, raising taxes or cutting spending could work but might also hurt economic growth if not done carefully.

Debt-to-GDP Ratio

The U.S. Debt-to-GDP Ratio is a key indicator of the country's financial health. In this section, we'll explore the significance of this ratio and take a closer look at the current U.S. Debt-to-GDP Ratio. Understanding these aspects will help you grasp the current level of U.S. debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets. So, let's dive in and explore what this means for you as a student, investor, or someone interested in U.S. debt and its impact on the economy.

Significance of the Ratio

The debt-to-GDP ratio is like a scale that measures how heavy the United States' debt is compared to how much the country produces in a year. Think of it as comparing what you owe on your credit card to how much money you make. If this ratio gets too high, above 77%, it's like warning lights flashing because it could mean trouble for the country's economy. The higher the number goes, the more it can slow down economic growthโ€”imagine trying to run while carrying a heavy backpack!

Now, if America's debt-to-GDP ratio keeps climbing, it can scare off people who lend money and might even make borrowing more expensive because lenders will want higher interest rates for taking on more risk. It's better when this number is lower since that means America is making more than what it owesโ€”like having extra cash after paying all your bills! But lowering this ratio isn't easy, especially during tough times like an economic slump or other crises. So keeping an eye on this ratio helps understand if America can handle its debts without stumbling over them.

Current U.S. Debt-to-GDP Ratio

Right now, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is about 119.47%. This ratio has been over 77% since early 2009, and it even hit its peak at nearly 133% in the second quarter of 2020. High debt levels can slow down economic growth; for every percentage point the debt goes over 77%, growth slows by about 0.017 points. As of mid-September in 2023, the U.S.'s national debt is around $33 trillion.

The way this ratio has changed over time shows us how economic challenges impact national debt. There have been three big periods when it grew a lot: during the Reagan-Bush era in the '80s and early '90s, after the financial crisis in 2008, and during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when it reached an all-time high of almost 135%. It's important to know that countries like Japan, China, and the UK hold a lot of U.S. Treasuriesโ€”that's how America finances its debt. Even though high ratios can mean there's a higher risk that a country might not be able to pay back what it owes, some people think differently about national debtโ€”like those who support Modern Monetary Theory.

Types of Debt Included in the National Debt

In this section, we'll dive into the different types of debt included in the national debt. We'll cover Marketable Securities, Nonmarketable Securities, and Debt Held by the Public vs. Intragovernmental Holdings. This information will help you understand the current level of U.S. debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets.

Marketable Securities

The U.S. government issues marketable securities like Treasury bills, notes, bonds, TIPS (Treasury inflation-protected securities), and FRNs (floating rate notes) to borrow money. These can be bought and sold on the secondary market. When you hear about the national debt, it's largely because of these securities since the government has to pay interest on them. In fact, 97% of the debt held by the public comes from these marketable securities.

Now, this borrowing adds up over time and isn't something that can keep growing forever without causing problems. By the end of 2019, for example, just paying interest on all this debt cost a whopping $404 billion! It's a big deal because it affects how much money is available for other things like schools or roads and can influence everything from your taxes to how much things cost at the store. If you're studying economics or thinking about investing, understanding this part of where your country's money goes is super important!

Nonmarketable Securities

When you're looking at the U.S. debt, you'll come across two types of securities: marketable and nonmarketable. Nonmarketable securities are like special savings bonds or accounts that can't be traded or sold to someone else. They include things like savings bonds and certain government-related investments, such as those in the Thrift Savings Plan for federal employees. Most of these are held by parts of the government itself or by regular folks who've bought them as a safe investment.

Now, marketable securities are different because they can be bought and sold on financial markets anytime. They're more common among investors who want to make a quick change in their investments since they can be turned into cash easily. But with this flexibility comes more risk; their prices go up and down with the market's mood swings. Nonmarketable ones don't have this kind of price danceโ€”they're more stable but harder to turn into cash if you need it quickly.

For further details on U.S debt instruments, check out resources from Congressional Budget Office and Federal Reserve.

Debt Held by the Public vs. Intragovernmental Holdings

The U.S. debt is a big deal, and it's made up of two main parts: debt held by the public and intragovernmental holdings. Debt held by the public includes money borrowed from outside sources like people, businesses, and other countries. Intragovernmental holdings are what one part of the government owes to another part, like money in trust funds; this kind doesn't change how much the government as a whole owes.

Right now, about 79% of the U.S. debt is in the hands of the publicโ€”that's around $24.5 trillion! The rest, which is 21%, or $6.88 trillion, is intragovernmental debt. Understanding these numbers helps you get why knowing who holds the debt matters for things like economic health and financial markets. If you're curious about more details on this topic or want to dive deeper into these figures, check out resources from CRFB, The Balance Money, and Federal Reserve.

The Debt Ceiling

In this section, we'll explore the debt ceiling and its significance in the context of the U.S. debt. We'll delve into what the debt ceiling is and its historical changes and controversies.

What Is the Debt Ceiling?

The debt ceiling is like a credit limit for the U.S. government, setting how much money it can borrow to pay its bills. Right now, there's no set limit because it's been suspended until January 1, 2025. This means the government can borrow what it needs without hitting a cap. The idea behind the debt ceiling is to keep spending in check and make sure the government doesn't borrow too much money. But when there's talk about not raising this limit, it can lead to big arguments in politics and even shut down parts of the government.

So why does this debt ceiling exist? It started back in 1917 during World War I to give more flexibility for funding war efforts without having to ask permission each time more money was needed. Since then, Congress has changed this limit over 100 times! It's meant as a way for Congress to control how much debt the country takes on and has become a tool in budget battles between Congress and whoever is in charge at the White House. Even though there are debates about whether or not we should have a debt ceiling at all, one thing is clear: so far, America has always found a way to pay its debts without defaulting.

For more detailed information on this topic you might want to check out Wikipedia, Investopedia, Time Magazine, or Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB).

Historical Changes and Controversies

The U.S. debt ceiling has been a moving target, changing many times over the years. It was first set in 1917 and since then, it's been raised or adjusted over 100 times! You've probably heard about it in the news during big political standoffs. For example, from 2001 to 2016, Congress bumped up the limit 14 timesโ€”President Bush saw seven of those hikes and President Obama witnessed eleven. There have even been moments when they just suspended it altogether, like eight times since 2013.

Now let's talk about why this all gets so heated. Raising the debt ceiling can cause a lot of arguments because some people in Congress want to cut spending before they agree to borrow more money. This can lead to threats of government shutdowns and lots of political drama. Economists and politicians don't always see eye-to-eye on this either; some think it messes with good financial planning while others say it causes political fights that could hurt America's reputation around the world. If we ever hit that ceiling without raising it? That could spell big trouble for markets everywhere and make running the country financially really difficult.

Impact of National Debt on the Economy

In this section, we'll explore the impact of national debt on the economy. We'll delve into how national debt affects interest rates and investment, inflation and currency value, as well as fiscal policy and budget priorities. If you're a student, investor, or just someone interested in understanding how U.S. debt can influence the economy and financial markets, this section is for you. Let's break it down step by step to see what it all means for you.

Interest Rates and Investment

When the U.S. national debt goes up, it can make interest rates across the economy rise too. This happens because the government has to sell more bonds to get money to pay off its debt, and that makes borrowing more expensive for everyone. Higher interest rates mean it costs more for businesses and people like you to borrow money, which can slow down new ideas and growth in the economy. Also, if there's a lot of debt, people might start worrying about whether the government can pay it back, which could make investors want even higher interest rates.

If there's a big increase in national debt, it could push private investment aside. That means things like building houses or business spaces could slow down because borrowing money gets pricier due to those higher interest rates we talked about. Even though sometimes more savings or money from other countries can help balance this out a bit, overall private investment tends to drop off. This isn't great because less investment can lead to fewer jobs and lower paychecks for people working in America. So yeah, how much debt there is really matters when thinking about jobs and how well everyone does financially!

Inflation and Currency Value

The U.S. is in quite a bit of debt, and it's important to understand how this can affect things like inflation and the value of the dollar. When a country has a lot of national debt, it can lead to inflation if the government prints more money to pay off that debt. This means there's more money chasing the same amount of goods and services, which can cause prices to rise.

Now, regarding the value of U.S. currency, having a large national debt can also impact this. If investors think that the U.S. might struggle to pay back its debts or if they believe inflation will rise, they might be less willing to hold onto dollars or U.S. bonds. This could lower demand for dollars and potentially decrease its value compared to other currencies around the world. It's like when something becomes less popular; its value often goes down too!

Fiscal Policy and Budget Priorities

When the U.S. national debt increases, it can really shake things up for the country's budget and economy. Think of it like this: if you owe a lot of money, you might have to change how you spend your cash, right? Well, it's similar for the government. They might have to slow down on spending which can lead to slower economic growth. Also, just like paying more interest on a personal loan when you owe more, the government has to pay more interest tooโ€”especially to other countries that have lent it money.

Now here's where it gets tricky: if the debt keeps climbing, there could be a big financial emergency that makes things tough for everyone. The government would then have less room to move around with their policies and might not be able to invest in new stuff that could help people out in the future. Plus, higher debt means higher interest rates generally speaking; this can make loans pricier for businesses and regular folks like us. And let's not forget about fairnessโ€”it wouldn't be cool if younger or future generations got stuck with a huge bill because of decisions made today!

International Comparisons

In this section, we'll take a look at international comparisons of the U.S. debt. We'll explore how the U.S. debt compares to other countries and which country has the most debt. This information will help you understand the current level of U.S. debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets, especially if you're a student, investor, or someone interested in U.S. debt and its impact on the economy.

U.S. Debt in Global Context

The U.S. is at the top of the list when it comes to national debt, owing a massive $31.4 trillion to creditors. That's more than China, Japan, France, and Italy combined! But it's not just about how much is owed; you also have to consider how big an economy is compared to its debt. When you look at the debt-to-GDP ratio, which helps show a country's ability to pay back what it owes, the U.S. comes in fourth after Japan, Greece, and Italy.

Now you might be thinking: why does this matter? Well, for one thing, this huge amount of debt can become a hot topic in politicsโ€”especially when we get close to hitting that ceiling set by Congress on how much we can borrow. And if we try to pay off our debts too quickly? That could shake up both our own economy and economies around the world in some pretty serious ways. So while having the biggest debt might sound alarming at first glance, there's a lot more going on beneath those numbers that affects everything from government policies to your own wallet!

Which Country Has the Most Debt?

You might be wondering about the U.S. debt situation and how it stacks up globally. Well, when you look at the sheer amount of money owed, the United States has the highest national debt in actual dollars. But there's another way to measure debt that gives a different picture: if you compare a country's debt to its entire economic output, or what's called the debt-to-GDP ratio, Japan is actually leading that race.

Now, managing such massive amounts of money isn't simple. Countries like Japan and the U.S., along with others with high debts relative to their economiesโ€”think Greece and Italyโ€”have strategies in place. They try to cut down on spending more than they earn (reducing budget deficits) or find ways to bring in more money (increasing revenue). They also aim for economic growth because as their economies grow, those big debts become a smaller piece of the pie. The U.S., specifically, sells Treasury bonds which are seen as pretty safe bets for investors around the world. But economists don't all agree on what's best: some say cut back on spending while others argue that smart government spending can actually help grow out of debt troubles.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we'll cover some frequently asked questions about the current level of U.S. debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets. We'll explore topics like how much debt the US is really in, who owns the most US debt, who we owe the US debt to, and which country has the most debt. So if you're a student, investor, or just someone interested in understanding U.S. debt and its impact on the economy, keep reading to get your questions answered quickly!

How Much Debt Is the US Really In?

You're looking at a staggering number: the U.S. national debt is currently sitting at $33.89 trillion. That's a lot of zeros! This amount changes daily and is tracked by the U.S. Treasury Department, which looks at all the money owed as of the previous business day.

To break it down, this debt includes what's known as ‘debt held by the public'โ€”think bonds bought by investorsโ€”and ‘debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts.' To get an idea of how much that is per person, just divide that huge number by everyone living in the United States. And to keep an eye on where it's heading, experts from places like the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) make projections a few times each year to estimate how fast this debt pile is growing. If you're curious about these numbers or want more details on how they come up with them, check out resources like PGPF or Investopedia.

Who Owns the Most US Debt?

The U.S. national debt is a big deal, and you might be surprised to learn who holds the largest chunks of it. The U.S. government itself is the top holder, with various accounts and pension funds in its name. Then there are some foreign players: China has a hefty $859 billion of U.S. Treasury holdings, while the United Kingdom isn't far behind with $668 billion. Belgium and Luxembourg also have significant shares, holding $331 billion and $318 billion respectively.

Now, when it comes to who owns more of this debtโ€”foreign or domestic investorsโ€”the picture gets even more interesting. Foreign investors have their hands on about $8 trillion of it; that's roughly 30% of all the debt out there! Japan and China are major players here too, but don't forget about domestic investorsโ€”they hold around $12 trillion! This includes mutual funds, banks, pension fundsโ€”you name itโ€”and state and local governments as well as other American entities own a good portion too. So whether you're studying economics or investing in markets, understanding these numbers can really help grasp how U.S. debt affects everything from global finance to your own wallet.

Who Do We Owe the US Debt To?

The U.S. national debt is a big deal, and it's not just one person or country that the U.S. owes money to. A bunch of different people and places have lent money to the U.S., including foreign countries, businesses, banks, and even parts of the U.S. government itself. The biggest foreign lenders are Japan and Chinaโ€”Japan has over $1 trillion in U.S. debt while China has $859 billionโ€”but other countries like the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Luxembourg also have a piece of the pie.

Now let's talk numbers: more than 30 percent of all that debt is in the hands of foreign investorsโ€”mostly governments from other countriesโ€”but each country only holds a small slice when you look at everything together. For example, China owns about 14 percent while Japan owns around 12 percent of all foreign-held U.S. debt. But don't forget that most of this debt is actually owned by folks within the United States itselfโ€”including financial institutions like banks and insurance companies as well as state governmentsโ€”and even by parts of the federal government!

Which Country Has the Most Debt?

You're looking at the big numbers, and when it comes to national debt, the U.S. is a heavyweight champion in terms of raw dollarsโ€”it's got more debt than any other country out there. But if you're comparing how much debt a country has against its economy size, that's where Japan takes the lead with its debt-to-GDP ratio soaring higher than anyone else's.

Now, while the U.S. doesn't top that particular list, it still sits pretty high up there in fourth place behind Greece and Italy when you look at debt compared to GDP. Most of America's massive pile of IOUs is actually money it owes to itselfโ€”like Social Security and pension funds right here at home. So whether you're studying for class or sizing up investments, keep an eye on these figures; they can really shape the economic landscape!

Managing and Reducing the National Debt

In this section, we'll explore how the U.S. is managing and reducing its national debt. We'll delve into government strategies and policies, as well as the role of the Federal Reserve in addressing this issue. This information will help you understand the current level of U.S. debt and its potential implications for the economy and financial markets. Whether you're a student, investor, or just someone interested in U.S. debt and its impact on the economy, this section will provide valuable insights for you.

Government Strategies and Policies

The U.S. government is tackling its debt with a few different approaches. They're trying to be smart about which bills to pay first and using any cash they have, along with some special moves, to keep things under control. There's even talk about using part of the Constitution called the Fourteenth Amendment as a way out. Plus, people are suggesting that the government should spend less money, bring in more taxes, and get groups from both political parties together to figure this out. But it's not easy; fixing the debt problem could take a lot of time and hard work.

As for how well these plans are workingโ€”well, it's kind of up in the air right now. Some new policies are trying to cut down on how much more debt we're adding by doing things like raising taxes or spending less money. But whether these changes will make a big difference in how much debt there is compared to the whole economy isn't really clear yet. Some experts think we should try harder now to reduce deficits so that our economy stays strong later on, while others say if we don't start cutting back on deficits soon, our debt could get way worse in future years. To really know if what we're doing now is making an impact, we'd need more information and analysis.

Role of the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve, often called the Fed, plays a unique role when it comes to the U.S. national debt but doesn't directly manage it. Instead, think of the Fed as a financial stability watchdog and a policy influencer. They set monetary policyโ€”like interest ratesโ€”and their goal is to keep things like inflation in check and make sure the financial system runs smoothly. Even though they're independent and their budget isn't part of what you'd call regular government spending, they do hold some of the national debt just like any other investor might.

Now, even though they don't manage the debt directly, what they do can still affect it in big ways. For example, if the Fed changes interest rates, that can influence how much it costs for the government to borrow money or pay back what it owes. High-interest rates mean higher costs for managing that debt pile; lower rates can ease things up a bit but might have other economic side effects. It's all about balance and trying to keep everything stable without letting that debt get out of hand.

For more detailed information on how this works you can visit Congressional Budget Office.

Future Projections

In this section, we'll take a look at the future projections for the U.S. debt. We'll explore the long-term outlook for U.S. debt and potential scenarios and their implications. This information will help you understand the current level of U.S. debt and its potential impact on the economy and financial markets, which is important for students, investors, and individuals interested in U.S. debt and its impact on the economy.

Long-Term Outlook for U.S. Debt

The U.S. national debt is a big deal, especially for young people and those not even born yet. As the debt gets bigger, it's going to make things tougher economicallyโ€”think less money in your pocket and more taxes to pay down the road. Plus, if the government has to spend more just to cover interest on all that borrowed money, that means less cash for other important stuff like schools or roads.

Now, here's something you might not know: every baby born in the United States today is basically starting life with a $50,000 share of this national debt. That's a pretty hefty bill! And if we don't start fixing this problem soon by either cutting back on spending or finding ways to bring in more money, it could slow down how fast our economy grows and even lead to some serious financial trouble for everyone.

Potential Scenarios and Their Implications

The U.S. national debt is a big deal, and it's expected to get even bigger over the next 30 years. This means the government will spend more money just paying off the interest on what it owes, which isn't great for things like economic growth or household income. If nothing changes, there could be some tough times ahead with less money for new projects and a heavier load on young people and future generations.

Now, if the debt keeps growing without control, it could lead to some serious problems like higher interest rates that affect everything from houses to education. The economy might grow slower too, which isn't good for anyone's wallet. Plus, if debt gets too high compared to what the country makes in a yearโ€”that's called the debt-to-GDP ratioโ€”it can slow down economic growth even more. Just so you know, when that ratio stays over 77% for too long, each extra percentage point of debt can make annual economic growth drop by a tiny bit (0.017 percentage points). So yeah, keeping an eye on U.S. national debt is pretty important!


So, you're trying to get a grip on the U.S. national debt and why it matters to you, right? Well, here's the deal: The U.S. owes a lot of moneyโ€”trillionsโ€”and this debt affects everything from your savings account interest rates to how much the government can spend on things like schools and roads. When the debt grows too fast, it can lead to higher taxes or inflation down the road. That's why keeping an eye on these numbers is crucial for anyone who cares about their financial future and our country's economy. Just know that while it might seem like a problem too big to tackle, understanding where we stand is the first step in making sure we don't get buried under our own bills.

Summary of Key Points

The U.S. national debt is at a historic high compared to the size of the economy, and it's important for you to know that this could slow down economic growth, limit spending on key programs, and increase the risk of financial crises. Lawmakers haven't agreed on how to fix this yet, and with big budget deficits and spending during COVID-19, things have gotten worse. Experts warn that if things don't change, the debt might double in 30 years which could shake up America's financial stability and its role in the world.

For you as a citizen or investor, understanding this debt situation is crucial because running trillion-dollar deficits seems to be becoming normal for the U.S., with expectations of continuing this trend over the next decade. This affects government policies that can influence your investments and overall economic health. To get more details about why national debt matters so much, check out this source.

The Importance of Monitoring National Debt

You've got to keep an eye on the national debt because it's a big deal for the economy and your wallet. When debt gets too high, it can slow down how fast the economy grows, make us owe more money to other countries, and even risk a financial crisis. It's like if you borrowed too much money and then struggled to pay it backโ€”things could get pretty tough. Plus, when the government borrows a lot of cash, there's less for businesses or people like you to borrow. This can push up interest rates which makes loans for things like houses or college pricier.

Now let's talk about how this debt affects you personally. If taxes go up in your lifetime to pay off the debt, your wealth doesn't really changeโ€”you're just swapping what you owe for what you own. But if we don't pay it back before we pass on, our kids might be stuck with the bill while we enjoyed spending that money! High national debt can also mean less savings for retirement because thereโ€™s less room for investment. And if economic growth slows down because of all this debt, there might be fewer jobs and smaller paychecks around. Even though most of Americaโ€™s IOUs are actually owed within our own countryโ€”to places like Social Securityโ€”itโ€™s still important since foreign countries holding our debts could affect our economy too!