UPDATED: April 03, 2024

With the rising cost of living, many find themselves navigating a precarious balance between meeting current and future needs. 

Data shows the average cost of living in the US is $3,693 monthly per person. It doesn't help that personal savings rates in the US remain below the average annual rate at 3.8 percent

Against this backdrop, enhancing your checking account balance isn't just a matter of personal discipline. It's necessary to weather financial storms and capitalize on future opportunities. 

How To Improve Savings and Checking Account Balance

Having excellent financial health is achievable if you follow these ten tips: 

1. Track your spending

Understanding your cash flow is the cornerstone of financial wellness. Identify your budget's glaring expenses and subtle leaks by meticulously tracking your spending. Coffee shop visits, impromptu online purchases, and dining out go unnoticed yet cumulatively drain resources. 

2. Cut unnecessary expenses

Scrutinizing your monthly subscriptions and memberships can reveal surprising opportunities to save. Many of us subscribe to services on a whim, enticed by free trials that quietly transition into paid commitments. This process of elimination not only declutters your financial obligations but reallocates resources to your savings goals.

Similarly, reevaluating recurring expenses, such as car insurance or cell phone plans, can lead to substantial savings. For example, the average monthly smartphone plan for US phone users is $144. You can still reduce your expenses further by taking advantage of discounts and bundle savings. 

3. Shop smart

Adopting wise shopping strategies extends beyond coupon clipping. It involves understanding the market cycle of products, purchasing items off-season, and leveraging price comparison websites to get the best deal. 

Embracing the world of cashback apps and rewards programs can turn everyday purchases into saving opportunities. 

4. Automate your savings

Automation is a powerful tool for building savings. Automating transfers to your savings account allows you to effectively “pay yourself first.” This strategy ensures that saving isn't an afterthought but a priority. 

Over time, even small automated deposits can grow into a substantial nest egg, thanks to the magic of compound interest. Saving should be as habitual as paying your monthly bills but with the reward of financial growth rather than expenditure.

Open a checking account online to take advantage of the bank's digital offers. Banks often offer fee-free accounts with no minimum balance requirements. 

5. Reduce utility bills

Lowering your utility bills is a win-win for your wallet and the environment. Simple adjustments can significantly impact your monthly bills. 

Many utility enterprises offer free energy audits to identify additional savings opportunities and provide personalized recommendations for reducing consumption and lowering costs.

6. Pay off high-interest debt

The burden of high-interest debt can stifle your financial progress. Credit cards, in particular, can have interest rates that exponentially increase your owed balance over time. 

Prioritizing these debts for repayment can free up a significant amount of money previously going towards interest. The debt avalanche method can effectively reduce the overall interest paid.

7. Start a side hustle

The gig economy is flourishing, and starting a side hustle has never been more accessible. The key is to leverage your skills and interests to generate income without burning you out. This additional income stream can accelerate savings goals, fund investments, or even cover daily expenses. It will help reduce the strain on your primary income source.

8. Save on entertainment

Entertainment is essential to life but doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. Exploring low-cost or free entertainment options can significantly reduce monthly expenses. There are countless ways to enjoy yourself without overspending. Consider visiting public parks or hosting game nights and watch parties at home.

9. Practice regular maintenance

Preventative maintenance is an often overlooked aspect of financial planning. Regularly servicing your vehicle, maintaining home appliances, and investing in health checkups can prevent significant expenses down the line. 

This principle extends to all areas of life, from personal health to technology. Upkeeping your belongings and health isn't just about avoiding future costs; it's about maximizing the value of your investments, ensuring they serve you well for as long as possible.

10. Invest wisely

Once you've established a foundation of savings, turning to investments can help your money grow. The key is to invest wisely, balancing potential returns with your risk tolerance. 

Diversifying your investments can spread risk while consulting with a financial advisor can provide tailored advice to meet your long-term financial goals. There are numerous avenues to explore, from stocks and bonds to real estate or retirement accounts.

Start Boosting Your Savings and Checking Account

The path to financial well-being is not about deprivation but about making informed choices that align with your long-term vision. Start practicing these strategies today, and watch as your savings grow, your debt shrinks, and your financial health flourishes. Your journey to a more secure financial future begins now.