by Aidan Kang, CFA
Senior Writer
UPDATED: October 17, 2023

Loans have become a ubiquitous element. Whether it's buying a dream home, paying for college, or even embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, borrowing money through loans has become a means to achieve various life milestones. But have you ever stopped to ponder why we borrow? Or how to make sure the decision to take out a loan is a sound one? 

This post dives deep into the psychology of borrowing and provides some insights on how to make informed decisions about loans.

1. The Desire To Achieve Dreams And Goals

Often, the primary reason people borrow money is to fulfill their dreams or achieve particular goals that require a significant amount of capital. Whether it's aspiring homeowners who can't afford to buy outright or students aiming for higher education without immediate funds, loans act as a bridge between current financial status and aspirations. 

Companies like Primo Personal Loans have recognized this intrinsic human desire and offer solutions tailored to help individuals achieve these dreams without having to wait for years to save up. 

2. The Influence Of Social Pressure

In an era of social media, where everyone's achievements are broadcasted, the pressure to keep up can be overwhelming. 

Many times, people take loans under societal pressure, whether it's for a lavish wedding, a grand house, or a new car. It's crucial to understand that borrowing should be a personal decision based on one's financial situation and not influenced by external pressures.

3. The Illusion Of Affordability

When we hear phrases like “easy monthly installments” or “0% interest for the first year”, it can create an illusion of affordability. People may think they can manage the repayments without fully understanding the long-term implications. Always delve into the details and be wary of conditions and the total amount payable over time.

4. Unexpected Emergencies

Life is unpredictable. Medical emergencies, urgent house repairs, or sudden travel can be instances where individuals might not have enough savings. Loans become a savior in such situations, providing the required funds immediately. 

However, it's always a good idea to explore different loan options and choose the one with the most favorable terms.

5. Lack Of Financial Literacy

Often, people don’t entirely understand the intricacies of interest rates, terms and conditions, and repayment structures. They might believe they're making an informed decision, but in reality, they're not. It underscores the importance of financial education. Before borrowing, always seek advice or do thorough research to ensure you understand the loan's implications.

6. The Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO isn't just about missing the latest party or event. It can also relate to investments or opportunities. 

Some might take out loans fearing they'll miss out on an investment opportunity that might not come around again. While this can sometimes be beneficial, it's vital to assess the risk and potential returns objectively.

7. Improving Credit Scores

A lesser-known reason some individuals take out loans is to build or improve their credit scores. By borrowing a small amount and repaying it on time, they demonstrate their creditworthiness to lenders. However, this strategy requires discipline in repayments to be effective.

8. Flexibility And Control

Loans can offer flexibility in terms of repayment. People might prefer structured monthly installments rather than depleting their savings in one go. This way, they feel they have more control over their finances.


Borrowing is deeply rooted in human behavior, driven by desires, dreams, fears, and sometimes, necessities. While taking out a loan can be beneficial in many scenarios, it's paramount to make informed decisions. 

Always understand the reasons behind borrowing, be aware of all terms and conditions, and evaluate personal financial health before signing on the dotted line. After all, loans should be a stepping stone towards our goals, not an anchor holding us back.